Source code for tools.test_fixtures

"""Boiler plate functions for testsys
import os
import typing
from typing import Optional
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import shutil
import hashlib
import Bio.PDB  # type: ignore
import codecs
from biobb_common.configuration import settings
from import file_utils as fu
import numpy as np

[docs]def test_setup(test_object, dict_key: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[str] = None): """Add the unitest_dir, test_dir, conf_file_path, system, properties and path as attributes to the **test_object** and create a directory to launch the unitest. Args: test_object (:obj:`test`): The test object. dict_key (str): Key of the test parameters in the yaml config file. config (str): Path to the configuration file. """ test_object.testfile_dir = str(Path(Path(str(sys.modules[test_object.__module__].__file__)).resolve()).parent) test_object.unitest_dir = str(Path(test_object.testfile_dir).parent) test_object.test_dir = str(Path(test_object.unitest_dir).parent) test_object.data_dir = str(Path(test_object.test_dir).joinpath('data')) test_object.reference_dir = str(Path(test_object.test_dir).joinpath('reference')) if config: test_object.conf_file_path = config else: test_object.conf_file_path = str(Path(test_object.test_dir).joinpath('conf.yml')) test_object.system = os.getenv('testsys') conf = settings.ConfReader(test_object.conf_file_path, test_object.system) if dict_key: = conf.get_prop_dic()[dict_key] test_object.paths = {k: v.replace('test_data_dir', test_object.data_dir, 1).replace('test_reference_dir', test_object.reference_dir, 1) for k, v in conf.get_paths_dic()[dict_key].items()} else: = conf.get_prop_dic() test_object.paths = {k: v.replace('test_data_dir', test_object.data_dir, 1).replace('test_reference_dir', test_object.reference_dir, 1) for k, v in conf.get_paths_dic().items()} fu.create_dir(['path']) os.chdir(['path'])
[docs]def test_teardown(test_object): """Remove the **['working_dir_path']** Args: test_object (:obj:`test`): The test object. """ unitests_path = Path(['path']).resolve().parent print(f"\nRemoving: {unitests_path}") shutil.rmtree(unitests_path)
[docs]def exe_success(return_code: int) -> bool: """Check if **return_code** is 0 Args: return_code (int): Return code of a process. Returns: bool: True if return code is equal to 0 """ return return_code == 0
[docs]def not_empty(file_path: str) -> bool: """Check if file exists and is not empty. Args: file_path (str): Path to the file. Returns: bool: True if **file_path** exists and is not empty. """ print("Checking if empty file: "+file_path) return Path(file_path).is_file() and Path(file_path).stat().st_size > 0
[docs]def compare_hash(file_a: str, file_b: str) -> bool: """Compute and compare the hashes of two files""" print("Comparing: ") print(" File_A: "+file_a) print(" File_B: "+file_b) file_a_hash = hashlib.sha256(open(file_a, 'rb').read()).digest() file_b_hash = hashlib.sha256(open(file_b, 'rb').read()).digest() print(" File_A hash: "+str(file_a_hash)) print(" File_B hash: "+str(file_b_hash)) return file_a_hash == file_b_hash
[docs]def equal(file_a: str, file_b: str, ignore_list: Optional[typing.List[typing.Union[str, int]]] = None, **kwargs) -> bool: """Check if two files are equal""" if ignore_list: # Line by line comparison return compare_line_by_line(file_a, file_b, ignore_list) if file_a.endswith(".zip") and file_b.endswith(".zip"): return compare_zip(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith(".pdb") and file_b.endswith(".pdb"): return compare_pdb(file_a, file_b, **kwargs) if file_a.endswith(".top") and file_b.endswith(".top"): return compare_top_itp(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith(".itp") and file_b.endswith(".itp"): return compare_top_itp(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith(".gro") and file_b.endswith(".gro"): return compare_ignore_first(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith(".prmtop") and file_b.endswith(".prmtop"): return compare_ignore_first(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith(".inp") and file_b.endswith(".inp"): return compare_ignore_first(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith(".par") and file_b.endswith(".par"): return compare_ignore_first(file_a, file_b) if file_a.endswith((".nc", ".netcdf", ".xtc")) and file_b.endswith((".nc", ".netcdf", ".xtc")): return compare_size(file_a, file_b, kwargs.get('percent_tolerance', 1.0)) if file_a.endswith(".xvg") and file_b.endswith(".xvg"): return compare_xvg(file_a, file_b, kwargs.get('percent_tolerance', 1.0)) image_extensions = ('.png', '.jfif', '.ppm', '.tiff', '.jpg', '.dib', '.pgm', '.bmp', '.jpeg', '.pbm', '.jpe', '.apng', '.pnm', '.gif', '.tif') if file_a.endswith(image_extensions) and file_b.endswith(image_extensions): return compare_images(file_a, file_b, kwargs.get('percent_tolerance', 1.0)) return compare_hash(file_a, file_b)
[docs]def compare_line_by_line(file_a: str, file_b: str, ignore_list: typing.List[typing.Union[str, int]]) -> bool: print(f"Comparing ignoring lines containing this words: {ignore_list}") print(" FILE_A: "+file_a) print(" FILE_B: "+file_b) with open(file_a) as fa, open(file_b) as fb: for index, (line_a, line_b) in enumerate(zip(fa, fb)): if index in ignore_list or any(word in line_a for word in ignore_list if isinstance(word, str)): continue elif line_a != line_b: return False return True
[docs]def equal_txt(file_a: str, file_b: str) -> bool: """Check if two text files are equal""" return compare_hash(file_a, file_b)
[docs]def compare_zip(zip_a: str, zip_b: str) -> bool: """ Compare zip files """ print("This is a ZIP comparison!") print("Unzipping:") print("Creating a unique_dir for: %s" % zip_a) zip_a_dir = fu.create_unique_dir() zip_a_list = fu.unzip_list(zip_a, dest_dir=zip_a_dir) print("Creating a unique_dir for: %s" % zip_b) zip_b_dir = fu.create_unique_dir() zip_b_list = fu.unzip_list(zip_b, dest_dir=zip_b_dir) if not len(zip_a_list) == len(zip_b_list): return False for uncompressed_zip_a in zip_a_list: uncompressed_zip_b = str(Path(zip_b_dir).joinpath(Path(uncompressed_zip_a).name)) if not equal(uncompressed_zip_a, uncompressed_zip_b): return False return True
[docs]def compare_pdb(pdb_a: str, pdb_b: str, rmsd_cutoff: int = 1, remove_hetatm: bool = True, remove_hydrogen: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Compare pdb files """ print("Checking RMSD between:") print(" PDB_A: "+pdb_a) print(" PDB_B: "+pdb_b) pdb_parser = Bio.PDB.PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=True, QUIET=True) st_a = pdb_parser.get_structure("st_a", pdb_a)[0] st_b = pdb_parser.get_structure("st_b", pdb_b)[0] if remove_hetatm: print(" Ignoring HETAMT in RMSD") residues_a = [list(res.get_atoms()) for res in st_a.get_residues() if not[0].startswith('H_')] residues_b = [list(res.get_atoms()) for res in st_b.get_residues() if not[0].startswith('H_')] atoms_a = [atom for residue in residues_a for atom in residue] atoms_b = [atom for residue in residues_b for atom in residue] else: atoms_a = st_a.get_atoms() atoms_b = st_b.get_atoms() if remove_hydrogen: print(" Ignoring Hydrogen atoms in RMSD") atoms_a = [atom for atom in atoms_a if not atom.get_name().startswith('H')] atoms_b = [atom for atom in atoms_b if not atom.get_name().startswith('H')] print(" Atoms ALIGNED in PDB_A: "+str(len(atoms_a))) print(" Atoms ALIGNED in PDB_B: "+str(len(atoms_b))) super_imposer = Bio.PDB.Superimposer() super_imposer.set_atoms(atoms_a, atoms_b) super_imposer.apply(atoms_b) super_imposer_rms = super_imposer.rms if super_imposer.rms is not None else float('inf') print(' RMS: '+str(super_imposer_rms)) print(' RMS_CUTOFF: '+str(rmsd_cutoff)) return super_imposer_rms < rmsd_cutoff
[docs]def compare_top_itp(file_a: str, file_b: str) -> bool: """ Compare top/itp files """ print("Comparing TOP/ITP:") print(" FILE_A: "+file_a) print(" FILE_B: "+file_b) with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f_a: next(f_a) with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f_b: next(f_b) return [line.strip() for line in f_a if not line.strip().startswith(';')] == [line.strip() for line in f_b if not line.strip().startswith(';')]
[docs]def compare_ignore_first(file_a: str, file_b: str) -> bool: """ Compare two files ignoring the first line """ print("Comparing ignoring first line of both files:") print(" FILE_A: "+file_a) print(" FILE_B: "+file_b) with open(file_a) as f_a: next(f_a) with open(file_b) as f_b: next(f_b) return [line.strip() for line in f_a] == [line.strip() for line in f_b]
[docs]def compare_size(file_a: str, file_b: str, percent_tolerance: float = 1.0) -> bool: """ Compare two files using size """ print("Comparing size of both files:") print(f" FILE_A: {file_a}") print(f" FILE_B: {file_b}") size_a = Path(file_a).stat().st_size size_b = Path(file_b).stat().st_size average_size = (size_a + size_b) / 2 tolerance = average_size * percent_tolerance / 100 tolerance_low = average_size - tolerance tolerance_high = average_size + tolerance print(f" SIZE_A: {size_a} bytes") print(f" SIZE_B: {size_b} bytes") print(f" TOLERANCE: {percent_tolerance}%, Low: {tolerance_low} bytes, High: {tolerance_high} bytes") return (tolerance_low <= size_a <= tolerance_high) and (tolerance_low <= size_b <= tolerance_high)
[docs]def compare_xvg(file_a: str, file_b: str, percent_tolerance: float = 1.0) -> bool: """ Compare two files using size """ print("Comparing size of both files:") print(f" FILE_A: {file_a}") print(f" FILE_B: {file_b}") arrays_tuple_a = np.loadtxt(file_a, comments="@", unpack=True) arrays_tuple_b = np.loadtxt(file_b, comments="@", unpack=True) for array_a, array_b in zip(arrays_tuple_a, arrays_tuple_b): if not np.allclose(array_a, array_b, rtol=percent_tolerance / 100): return False return True
[docs]def compare_images(file_a: str, file_b: str, percent_tolerance: float = 1.0) -> bool: try: from PIL import Image # type: ignore import imagehash except ImportError: print("To compare images, please install the following packages: Pillow, imagehash") return False """ Compare two files using size """ print("Comparing images of both files:") print(f" IMAGE_A: {file_a}") print(f" IMAGE_B: {file_b}") hash_a = imagehash.average_hash( hash_b = imagehash.average_hash( tolerance = (len(hash_a) + len(hash_b)) / 2 * percent_tolerance / 100 if tolerance < 1: tolerance = 1 difference = hash_a - hash_b print(f" IMAGE_A HASH: {hash_a} SIZE: {len(hash_a)} bits") print(f" IMAGE_B HASH: {hash_b} SIZE: {len(hash_b)} bits") print(f" TOLERANCE: {percent_tolerance}%, ABS TOLERANCE: {tolerance} bits, DIFFERENCE: {difference} bits") if difference > tolerance: return False return True